
I’ve been working with product and engineering teams for over 20 years. I'm currently VP Enterprise Engineering at Altium in Cambridge. Previously, I was VP of Engineering at Privitar in London, CTO of The Influence Room, CTO of Gumtree, director at eBay, Inc., CTO of Venntro Media Group and a software engineer in startups and SMEs. See my work history on LinkedIn.

I hack on side projects in Ruby and Node.js which I share as part of the IndieWeb community, including Micropublish, one of the most feature-complete Micropub clients for publishing and updating content on your own website. This website is powered by Vibrancy, my own personal website software.

I like to be an early adopter (my Twitter account @barryf is the 4,677th) and I enjoy trying new services and technologies to help improve my team’s effectiveness and happiness. I’ve been a Mac user since the early 2000s and have owned more iOS devices than I want to think about.

I live with my wife and two sons in a village in Hertfordshire, UK. Away from technology, I’m an Arsenal fan and also enjoy watching cricket and rugby. I listen to indie/rock music and still go to the occasional gig.