@LanciaConsult Cheers Jeff 🙌
Case studies and experiments demonstrating the impact of web performance optimization (WPO) on user experience and business...
Open source framework for web integration testing without Selenium
Now that, according to a recent study, over half of employees work remotely at
least once per week, remote working is no...
@StevieBuckley I don’t think companies can compete nowadays unless they embrace remote. I think a big Irish guy told me that...
New work blog post from me. Includes cheesy photo of my remote team coerced into giving a 👍
I love that @simonw is blogging again. His recent posts are great reads, including this on CD with free services: simonwillison.net…
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Posting a test note from the new Micro.blog Mac app.
Rails agency recommended by Andrew McDonough: twitter.com…
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The Rose and Crown
@boffbowsh Woo! Good luck!
JavaScript Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
Can’t wait for this documentary of the greatest end to a football season there will ever be. “89”. www.youtube.com…
Abbey Wing
While posting an article here earlier I reminded myself how clunky I’ve made things unless I’m writing plain-text notes. Manually hacking the content in a JSON document is unnecessarily cumbersome. And syntax-highlighted code blocks would be nice. Some itches to scratch!
With its fast, built-in support for JSON, it’s worth considering Postgres for storing and querying your JSON data. Instead of...