Week 151 - Alarm

  • England won their Euros semi-final against the Netherlands with a last gasp goal but fell short in Sunday’s final against the tournament’s best team, Spain. Our luck ran out. The tactics were negative but worked; can an anticipated new manager take the next step and win with attacking football?
  • We visited Andy and his family in Brighton for the weekend. We walked down to the nearby County Cricket Ground to watch Sussex play Essex (my county) in the T20. It’s a great setup: the four children went straight to the kids’ nets to practise their bowling and batting while their parents enjoyed a few refreshments. Essex won in the sunshine. I even got a little suntanned.
  • The next morning the boys took part in their first Fun Run in the park before we drove back home around London. We stopped off to look at more cars. We’re getting closer to pushing that buy button.
  • After a fun-packed, tiring weekend we didn’t enjoy our alarm malfunctioning, sounding three times during Sunday night. No spiders crawling over the sensor this time. It’s been serviced and we hope the problem is fixed. The boys somehow sleep through the sirens but my heart races each time just in case it’s not a false positive.