Week 164 - Nuclear

  • My cold from last weekend kept me off work this Monday. I was still foggy the next morning so didn’t risk the drive up to our office in Cambridge in the rain. I’ve been mostly cooped up indoors 😔
  • I rewatched Threads this week - the film about a fictional nuclear attack was shown again on BBC Four to mark the 40th anniversary of its first broadcast. It’s still as shocking and grimly fascinating as ever. The first part (pre-bombs) is set in 1980s Britain when I would have been about six years old, so it’s also a nostalgic reminder of childhood memories, although thankfully I wasn’t blown up in a nuclear war. Part documentary, part drama, the tension brilliantly grows alongside the ordinary lives storyline. And then ecomes the bleak horror.
  • In cheerier news I bought an Apple Studio Display for my office, replacing my old Dell 4K monitor. The 2x scaling (vs 1.5x with the Dell) is so much sharper and the integrated camera and speakers are excellent. I’m perfectly happy with the camera quality - it’s only used for Zoom calls after all.
  • The Dell monitor has now found its way to the Family Room, connected to a keyboard and trackpad. It’s a cozy alternative base to plug in my laptop in the evening and do some hacking, or for L to use (and charge) her laptop via one USB-C cable.
  • We’ve been playing games of Uno as a family. The boys love it, although struggle with holding their cards in their hands so spread them out on the floor. I stoically refuse to peek and yet have won the most games.
  • By popular request, I cooked a roast chicken and trimmings on Sunday. “The best lunch ever,” according to C, although that may have been because of the salted caramel ice cream after.