- Poppy, our elderly tabby cat, has been poorly this week. She seemed her usual self during the day but we found morning puddles of sick by her bed in our utility room. There were red spots in one so I feared the worst, but the vet wasn’t alarmed when I took her in for a check-up. She recommended less fibrous food to settle Poppy’s stomach and so far it seems to have done the trick.
- The conversation about death with the boys will happen eventually but I’m glad it’s not this week.
- Meanwhile, the Ofsted school inspectors arrived this week, meaning L was called in for supply work every day. The pressure on teachers is intense and seems unfair, even if they knew it was coming eventually. Whatever the outcome, the boys love their school and we’re happy to send them there.
- The clouds parted and the sun shone this week. You can sense that spring is on its way. Being able to walk around in the sunshine without a big coat and gloves makes all the difference to my mood. And I had my first Creme Egg and hot cross bun of the year 😋
- It was a rare home game for H’s under-nines this Saturday. Even better, it was an 11:15am kick-off which meant for once I wasn’t up at an ungodly hour driving him to his match. The Lions won 3-2 and he scored a tidy goal he made for himself.
- I then spent a surprisingly satisfying afternoon with L clearing out cupboards and rearranging the utility room to make space for a dryer and replacement washing machine. The delivery men from AO took away our kaput washer and connected up the new Bosches which are now quietly humming away.