Week 187 - Singing

  • The interviews have been better after last week’s fake-candidate fiasco, in that we have real people turning up.
  • I treated myself to a Stream Deck for my desk. I don’t stream, but I do like the convenience of having 15 programmable buttons at my fingertips when I’m on one of many, many Zoom calls. I’m still experimenting. Most handy are actions to toggle the Zoom microphone and camera and controls for my AC via Shortcuts.
  • It was C’s turn for a school assembly, the focus of which was his class singing catchy loops of Jambo Bwana accompanied by a dozen glockenspiels and clapping. Very cute, but I’ve had an ear-worm ever since.
  • We’ve started researching local secondary schools for H. It’s begun.
  • I firmly thought I’d seen their last gig together in 2004, but I’m so happy to see that Gene are reforming this October for at least one night together.
  • This weekend I’ve shared the house with a sick son and sick wife. C has been (physically) sick a couple of times, while his mother has a major coldEveryone . They’ve both had to cancel fun plans and activities and so are a bit miserable. There has been a lot of screen-time.
  • To escape the Sunday funk I drove my healthy son to Smyths Toys. He spent his saved-up pocket money on a Lego Lamborghini and Kirby and the Forgotten Land. We also returned home with medicinal chocolate bars for the invalids.