• In reply to https://twitter.com/barryf/status/846735322532773888
    iOS 10.3 brings wifi and 4G calling for O2 (UK). NB: you need to disable their TU Go service (my request is pending) o2.co.uk/help/network-c…
  • In reply to https://barryfrost.com/2017/03/o
    iOS 10.3 brings wifi and 4G calling for O2 (UK). NB: you need to disable their TU Go service (my request is pending) http://www.o2.co.uk/help/network-coverage-and-international/wifi-and-4g-calling

@barryf A few hours later and I’m up-and-running. At home, where signal is patchy, I now get “O2 WiFiCall” in the top bar of my iPhone 7.



  • I have it set up well th three... but doesn't work with the security on office wifi #FirstWorldProblems