Hello, I’m Barry (he/him), a software engineer and technology leader with experience building teams, websites and apps. I live in a village in Hertfordshire, UK, with my wife and two sons.
This is my personal website where I post all my articles, notes, photos, bookmarks and checkins using my own software. View the full archives.
Read more about me, how to contact me and how to follow me.
My favourite band, Gene, are reuniting for their first gig in 21 years 🎉 I was at their last one in… 2004. See you in Hammersmith 🤩
I’ve released a new minor version of #micropublish that supports the new2022 IndieAuth spec change to support Server Metadata for endpoint discovery as an alternative to the existing (legacy) headers/body methods.
Apple Store, Regent Street, London on the Apple iPhone 16 and Watch 10 launch day.
I was just adding a gig I’m going to on Last.fm when I saw my “member since” date: 16 August 2004 😯. That’s 20 years of scrobbling (since its Audioscrobbler days). Newer than my Gmail account but older than Twitter.
Frost boys on our way to The Emirates
The Manics and Suede at a sunny Alexandra Palace on Thursday evening